Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Itchy Silvester: exploding into the new year

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! Yahoos have been setting off fireworks all day as today and tomorrow are the only days of the year that Germans do so without special permission (thank goodness).

People will be celebrating Silvester, named in honor of the saint. I'm going to have a quiet night in because I'm worn out for some reason and C is sick (I'm hoping that I am not getting what she has). I did enjoy a nice dinner at Safari and Moo's hanging out with me so I'm appreciative of a peaceful night. Well, it's peaceful in my house...outside, not so much, with all the fireworks. Moo is taking it all in stride. I would like to think it's because he's a rather calm cat but it also might be related to the fact that he's not the sharpest crayon in the pack.

To learn more about German new year's traditions, you can read this article.

I'll leave you with a funny Silvester cartoon, created by Malachi R. Rempen.  To enjoy more of his amusing (and very spot-on!) take on expat life, check out Itchy Feet. 

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